Work with us

Administration of staff:
The administration of work covers the supply of professional labor through a contract between a job agency ( leasing agent ) and the user entity (user) .
It is a contract that has as its object the supply of a worker made available for the user and hired by the job agency.
The supply contract work requires the involvement of three parts : the agency of administration , the firm(the user)  and the worker . You must conclude two contracts :
The commercial contract , including leasing agency ( agency work ) and the user ( user enterprise ) .
The employment contract itself, including leasing agency ( employment agency ) and the employee.

Our goal is to contribute to the success of our customers.

Companies who use the services of WORENCO INTERNATIONAL are exempted from office financial records and accounting of employment contracts concluded for a fixed period , because these activities are carried out by us in a professional , transparent and timely manner. Among WORENCO INTERNATIONAL and the recipient is entered into a contract for the supply of labor. Before the contract between the two partners employer – employee is signed , we endeavor to process and treat all preliminary steps to enable the conclusion of the individual employment contract .L ` Interim is the most common and fastest outsourcing  for the management of human resources.

Temporary work answers some circumstantial needs to be arranged with priorities:

The temporary increase of the workload
The temporary replacement of an employee
L ` execution of the work on a temporary basis
We guarantee the legality and the quality of our service by providing you with :

The operating license issued by the Ministry of Labour
Certification pending charges issued by the Administration of Public Finance, our tax certificate and the document that guarantees the payment of all liabilities with the task of ‘entrepreneur for all of our workers
The bank guarantee to Raiffeisen BANK .